Is this seat taken

I’ve signed up for the 31 Plays in 31 Days project, committing myself to daily playwriting throughout the month of August. The project includes a pre-challenge warmup of 256-(alpha-numeric)-character plays. Here’s today’s play:

    • MAN: Is this seat taken?
    • WOMAN 1: (Looks him over, frowns) Yes.
    • (Man leaves)
    • WOMAN 2: No one’s sitting there. Why’d you send him away?
    • W 1: These latecomers need to learn that we who came earlier get to decide.
    (Curtain rises on “Damned Yankees”)

What’ll it be

I’ve signed up for the 31 Plays in 31 Days project, committing myself to daily playwriting throughout the month of August. The project includes a pre-challenge warmup of 256-(alpha-numeric)-character plays. Here’s my play for July 30:

    • BARKEEP: What’ll it be?
    • PATRON 1: Wry. Make it a double.
    • B: (Smirking) “Love makes the world go wrong.” “Jesus saves; Madoff promises triple-digit returns.”
    • PATRON 2: I’ll have a white whine.
    B: (Querulous) “Why do I have to be in the minority?”

Up in smoke

I’ve signed up for the 31 Plays in 31 Days project, committing myself to daily playwriting throughout the month of August. The project includes a pre-challenge warmup of 256-(alpha-numeric)-character plays. Here’s today’s play:

    • CLERK: What can I get you?
    • GUY: Cigarettes. Carton of Marlboros. And a lottery ticket.
    • C: Sure. You must be feeling lucky. The odds certainly aren’t in your favor.
    • G: It’s a 40-million-dollar jackpot. Why not?
    C: I was referring to the smokes.

Gates of hell

I’ve signed up for the 31 Plays in 31 Days project, committing myself to daily playwriting throughout the month of August. The project includes a pre-challenge warmup of 256-(alpha-numeric)-character plays. Here’s the warmup play for July 28:

    • GUY: Hey, are you that philanthropist?
    • BILL: Yes.
    • G: You know, you’ve caused a lot of misery.
    • BILL: Oh?
    • G: Yeah, the stress of using your shitty operating system. There’s a
    private room in hell for you, Mr. Gates. And it’s gonna have windows.

Major major

I’ve signed up for the 31 Plays in 31 Days project, committing myself to daily playwriting throughout the month of August. The project includes a five-day warmup of 256-(alpha-numeric)-character plays. Here’s today’s warmup play:

    • STUDENT: It’s hopeless. I should never have declared double majors.
    • FRIEND: So you have two final papers? Where are you with that?
    • S: Stuck. For weeks now, nothing. I swear it’s like a medical condition.
    • F: Oh, yeah, what?
    S: Impacted theses.


I’ve signed up for the 31 Plays in 31 Days project, committing myself to daily playwriting throughout the month of August. The project includes a five-day warmup of 256-(alpha-numeric)-character plays. Here’s today’s warmup play:

    • WIFE: Look at this! Just LOOK.
    • COP: We’ll need an inventory.
    • W: Of stuff I might not remember. Great.
    • C: I don’t make the rules.
    • W: And why’d they have to make such a mess?
    • C: Choosy, I guess.
    W: Oh, and THIS necklace wasn’t good enough for them!

256 characters in search of…

I’ve signed up for the 31 Plays in 31 Days project, committing myself to daily playwriting throughout the month of August. The project includes a five-day warmup of daily 256-character plays (needless to say that’s 256 letters, spaces, etc.). Here’s my warmup play for July 25:

    • EVE: Mmm. Try the one with the navel, Adam.
    • ADAM: No thanks.
    • E: Just a lick.
    • A: I said no, Evie.
    • E: Sweet and juicy.
    • A: No!
    • E: What’s with you lately?
    • A: I just don’t want more trouble. It’s bad enough.
    E: But you’re comparing oranges to apples!